Prescott Chorale Singers
Abstract choir illustration by Evoke City, Christian inspirational Illustration and art.
Italicized with * indicates section leader.
Singers on leave of absence:
Mark Achuff
Marvin Eggert
Joe Jenkins
Michael Lee
Pat Luczyk
Roger McGrady
Victoria Sweet
Lauren Varnuska
Soprano I
Sue Hetherwick
Kay Houser
Sonia Harden Lenke
Jacqueline Paredes
Coril Prochnow
Soprano II
Helen Highberger
Therese Holladay*
Alice Jurian
Kandis Kilgore
Ellie Lassiter
Marcia Lyman
Alto I
Mary Bowers
Beth Cheung
Martha Lee
Melanie McCally
Catherine Schild
Sue Stephenson
Sandra Stillwell
Alto II
Robin Berry
Erin Galbreath
Diane Gesell
Linda Grady
Helen Fort
Alto II cont’d
Lynda Rowntree*
Jenny Sutch
Tenor I
Anne Badger
James Gilliam
Meredith Hughes
Aggie Hurt
Beth Kreft
Tenor II
Ryan Gastonguay
Phil Lehman
Michael Nowak*
Russ Parker
Michael Schulkins
Jacob Gilbert
Sandy Johnson
Jim Marchant
Larry McCoy*
Bruce Mounsey
Dana Wingate
Bass II
Craig Burns
Cliff Elliott
Tommy Keenan
Larry Levenson
The Prescott Chorale remembers those singers who have died. We honor them for their love of music,
their talent and humanity, and their commitment to the the Prescott Chorale.
Tom Boelts ♦ David Burks ♦ Barbara Gilliss ♦ Gil Holsapple ♦ Beth Levenson ♦ Ben Wallace
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